Friday, April 08, 2005

So gas is on its way to $3 a gallon and all the talk of the tar sands of Canada will not change the fact that shit ain't getting cheaper, ever.....And slowly the realization of the difference between rich and poor is simply their access to energy....No news here that our use of fossil fuel is accounts for what, 90% your need for night lights, computer power buttons, and travelling without when its gone.....what we gonna do...seems like people been trying to start this conversation for ever, well being born in the mid 70's, people have been talking about if for as long as my ears started patterning out words from the soup......but the talk never gets anywhere.....some windmills and solar powered calculators get mentioned...but has anyone ever heard about any official "plan" that america has....has a president or senator ever talked about it.....even the oil industry admits that shit is gonna be drastically different in 50 years, but our pressident thinks that changes in social security 50 years from now is a bigger issue....damn, for a second there I was able to forget that horrible feeling of doom on Nov. 8....then the Bushieness of everything comes rushing back even with all this Terri Schiavo and Papal passings trying to distract me....the sad truth is that the president cannot talk about it, for fear of arrousing the citezenery....imagine if the President through down the gauntlet and asked Americans to make future energy solutions the #1 priority...the oil, automotive, and manufacturing infrastructures would change yesterday....and in unexpected ways that could easily change the grips of societal and wealth we are getting the slow, transition....and the thing you hear the right starting to mention is Nuclear power.....which in theory is great...and the typical Green problem of radioactive waste and what not I don't buy, those are simply technological barriers that great minds could problem with nuclear is that unlike wind and solar, it requires a giant corporate/beuracratic infrasctructure to operate and control it......I know the fantasy about he washer dryer size home reactor to power ouselves with.....but if Iran can't have a nuclear reactor, how long you think it will be until you could politically go buy a reactor at Sears....not happening....what will happen is that large energy companies will build large nuclear faccilities which will make the monopilization of energy a simple task....SO now is the time to act, the switch is going down....the powers that be will offer the nuclear road.....the wackos will offer renewables.....same old energy control and stratified societies...or a free energy world, stratified as well probably, but with such a greater opportunity for those on the bottom to rise when they can learn to power themselves......WHEW!!!!!

1 comment:

.5 of babygrand said...

It's the like watching a friend go through the cycle of addiction, we humanoids (mostly) only change when forced. Many AA members are by court order, but the ones who stay have usually come to rock bottom on their own and come to realize there's really no other option for them. I predict much of same for gas addiction. Exemption of course for countries like Denmark, where the Queen asked for scientists to give honest study and industry to work out for themselves how to meet 5, 10, 20 year goals of smarter use and less pollute. We're a lazy lot on the whole...but also susceptible to follow other peoples examples...keep living right, on the bike, in the city, off the dole and one day when the shit hits the fan folks will have an incling of how to fend.