Thursday, May 29, 2003
Where have I gone, what have I done?? Questions I ask myself all the time as each day slipping on by and no updates for you people....I've disappeared into labs and what nots.....Regestirred for graduation, got the tickets june 14th 3pm....It's actually compound was made for senior project, solid C in my calculus class, maybe even B with a bit more work, all is going in the right direction....writing my final oppinion piece to the Mustang Daily...A quick little reminder to all the anti-government neo-cons here that they should drop out of this school immediatley and return any and all finnacial support they have received from the government....These people actually support the privitization of everything while attending a "socialist" state supported unniversity....the blatant disregard for the fact that public education is a positive in society makes me a bit sick....Since they believe that private enterprise can do everything better, I wish them all the luck in finding a private institution which is considered among the world's best engineering and architechture schools and pay only $2300 a year..... We'll see how it goes, nobody ever responds to my letters....lately the topic on campus has been gay marriage.....these kids write in about how if we allow gay marriage then we must allow incest, polygamy, and even beastiality...its funny to see how a conservative leader, Rick Santorum in this case, can say something and then over the next few weeks you see it parrot its way down the line until it becomes a platform of the'd could probably do the same with noam chomsky and michael moore....but these gay marriage comments just kill me...not only does the "sanctity of traditional marriage" argument stink the same as it did when people used it to argue against interacial marriage, the whole idea of the argument leads me to think the vast majority of conservative leaders are closet homosexuals...all the cowboy hats, tough talk, machoism, guys only club politics just reeks of repressed homosexuality....The idea that legalizing same sex marriage would open a pandora's box of all sorts of sexual behavior out side the heterosexual norm can only come up in your head if YOU have feelings outside the heterosexual norm...if you don't then allowing same sex marriage can in no way threaten you, only a ban on heterosexual behavior can threaten you...just because a law is passed that same sex marriage is legal, am I supposed to be suddenly attracted to my cousin's dog?....sorry but I'm attracted to the ladies and I'm lucky to live in a society that is mostly heterosexual because I know I would have had a tough time of it in ancient Greece...So for all you dudes out there who just love hating on gay people in our society, just imagine how you would do hanging with Aristotle and likes in a time when the respected thing to do was be attracted to young boys...That's today's diatribe...sorry but there might be more of these in the future because it feels good to write these thoughts out..........
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